What Are the Differences Between Blind Bolts and Lockbolts?

Blind Bolt Fixing

What Are the Differences Between Blind Bolts and Lockbolts? Blindbolt UK | 18th January 2021 Blind Bolt It is easy to assume that all bolts are created equally, but that’s not the case. Two of your main options in the construction industry are lockbolts and blind bolts. Below, we will explain how the two differ…

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Four Types of Connections Used in Light Steel Framing

TW-Bolt - Connections used in light gauge steel framing

Four Types of Connections Used in Light Steel Framing Blindbolt UK | 11th January 2021 Thin Wall Bolts Light steel framing is no easy task, but there are numerous ways to get the job done. Four different types of connections when it comes to light steel framing are welded connections, bolted connections, press joining or…

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